Meet Lori Kellogg

"I've Been There and I'm Here for You"

By “here for you,” I mean helping you break through barriers, limiting beliefs, distractions, resistance, and feeling stuck in your the art that is your life.

And creating a path forward of full of inspiration, healing, empowerment and purpose.

We do this by exploring your own creativity through painting.

You are not an artist, you say?
No matter. You don’t need to have any prior experience at all.

In fact, it may be better if you don’t. Painting a pretty picture is not the point.  

You see? Suggesting that you create a painting has already revealed to you some limiting beliefs and resistance, hasn’t it?  

We are not here for transactions…we are not learning to make and sell artwork…there are tons of qualified, certified, professional artists who can teach you any method you want to learn.

We are here for the transformation. For the revelation of the person you were born to be.

I can be your guide. Because I’ve been there, and I’m here to show you the way through.

Intuitive Painting for Beginners (for Under $10)

Let's get started with my free 3-video mini-course. In this course I walk you through how to get started as a beginning intuitive painter using affordable materials that you may already have around your house...or can buy for under $10.


RIse Above: A Transformational Painting Challenge

Experience Whitney Freya's Rise Above course through my eyes! Whitney Freya and I have collaborated to offer this special edition.

You will receive all 8 of Whitney's lessons as well as all 8 of Lori's lessons for one price!

Included in Rise Above!

That's right, when you purchase my special edition of Rise Above, you will receive 2 courses for the price of one!

The concept of Rise Above blew my mind when I first heard it! But leaning into this concept has literally changed my life! In this course, I walk you step-by-step through Whitney Freya's Rise Above course and then show how I've applied Whitney's prompts to my life.

Intuitive Painting for Beginners (for under $10)

Free Mini-Course