So many people claim that they cannot paint...
...but the act of painting is simple.
What they mean is they don't like the feeling
of not being able to produce what they imagine on a canvas...
But what if producing isn't the point?
What if the canvas were an innovative healing modality?
That allowed you to see, discover, and know things that you couldn't see any other way?
Would You Give It a Try?
My mission is to help women at the crossroads in life go from feeling disconnected and overwhelmed to feeling empowered and creatively fulfilled so they can rediscover their true selves and live with purpose and joy.
Rise Above: A Transformational Painting Challenge and Artisan of Your Life
In this course, I collaborated with International Creative Guru and Mentor, Whitney Freya, to offer a Rise Above course specifically for those who have given too much of themselves to others...either in caregiving, meeting other people's expectations, or following other people's ideals. In this course, Whitney and I show you how to reclaim and rediscover who YOU are and become the artisan of YOUR life.
Artisan of Your Life:
Stand Alone Course
The Eight Artisan of Your Life Lessons that I included in the Rise Above course are now also offered in a stand alone course. This course is for those who have already purchased Rise Above from Whitney or from another Certified Creatively Fit Coach and would like to experience just my lessons.