Mapping Struggle, Perseverance, and Hope

Mapping Your Journey

Wanting to have hope in our lives isn't a new has always been a journey.

In this lesson, we’ll consider a verse from the Bible for its ancient wisdom.

Then create a spider web that symbolizes the various aspects of your life—relationships, health, money, spirituality, or whatever aspect that is important to you.

Allow yourself time to reflect on where you are on the spectrum from suffering to hope, understanding that perseverance and character are vital steps along the way.

Just like a spider spins her web—patient, resourceful, and persistent—we’ll create a visual to represent how different parts of our lives are interconnected, strengthening our overall resilience.

Materials You'll Need:

  • White paint
  • Gloss glazing liquid
  • White Posca acrylic paint pen
  • Small flat paintbrush

So are you ready? Watch the video below...

Weaving Lesson 2 PDF.pdf

Wow! That was a lot! What takeaway or aha moment did you experience while doing this lesson?

I'll tell you mine. Even though I'm your instructor and guide, I am still learning this and I'm talking to myself as much as I am to you.

My aha was in an area of my life of business development. I have struggled through the starting of the business...making the initial investments in my own learning and certifications, setting up a legal entity, carving out time to create amidst my job and family life, learning the technology, understanding the platforms, graphic design, video editing, etc. And now I want to jump right to hope...making a living with this passion, quitting my day job, etc. But I'm not there. Right now, I'm in the "perseverance" stage...building a following, creating more classes, learning how to market and promote my business, etc. And all of this is building my character...building patience, resilience, integrity and capacity...which will eventually lead me to the hope I have for this business. The hope of helping people use creativity as their healing modality. The hope of doing this full time for the rest of my life.

I'd love it if you would share your takeaway and your web with me.



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